Viceroy’s House & India’s True Freedom

Today, India celebrated another Republic Day in remembrance of the day in 1950 when the Constitution was ratified. I reminisce back to many a Republic Day parade where we proudly went in uniform to Parade Grounds as a part of our School Band which played in the parades or with our Girl Guides (Scouts) troupe… Continue reading Viceroy’s House & India’s True Freedom

The Journey To Bethlehem

The Christmas Story His beloved had just lain down to rest and he had walked a few feet away looking into the skies as the darkness overwhelmed them. Joseph pounded the air and shouted into the night, frustration and anger overwhelming his being. Where was God when he needed Him? Had He forgotten that they were… Continue reading The Journey To Bethlehem

Being Exactly Where We Are Meant to Be!

There are some verses that we find ourselves going repeatedly going back to. They are very effective weapons against Satan, and they help in anchoring our faith in the midst of storms of doubt. There are several of them that are precious to our family, and I will share some of the others in later posts. Today, I want to share the tremendous implications of this section of Scripture

Charles Mully – A Life Well Lived

What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul? Charles Mully wrestles with this question while at the peak of his career, living the life of comfort and ease. He gives it all up to follow Jesus and instead cares for 12,000 orphaned children! Amazing story of grace abounding being poured out on others bringing God glory!

The Indian National Anthem – Pointing to Jesus?

Today India celebrates its Independence Day. 70 years ago on August 15th 1947, India was formally released from British domination.  India has always been deeply religious, and its National Anthem reflects this. Jesus is the God who is described in this prayer, although the poet Nobel prize winner Rabindranath Tagore did not realize it. Below, I have broken down this translation along with corresponding verses in the Bible ascribing these attributes to Jesus.

Silver Anniversary Thoughts

Twenty five years have come and gone……we were young and so in love! Today, looking back we see that by God’s grace alone do we stand…….Jesus walks before us leading the way. Blind and foolish we have wavered and faltered…….but with God’s bright light, our path was illumined and bettered. We’ve hurt each other through… Continue reading Silver Anniversary Thoughts

The Joy and Sorrow of Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is a day that has been set aside to honor mothers around the world. It’s a wonderful thought as mothers are the hard working backbones of family and society. Yes, it’s a precious way for children to show appreciation and gratitude for the many sacrifices their mothers have made. It’s a good time… Continue reading The Joy and Sorrow of Mother’s Day